We understand you will have questions about Common Ground Church, our beliefs and practices. This is important whether you have put your faith and trust in Jesus as your Savior and Lord or are seeking to know more about Him. We believe that all we profess and do should be Biblically grounded.
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. – 1 Corinthians 3:11
Our intent is to help you know Jesus Christ and exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.
Why the name “Common Ground”? We believe in the importance of a body of believers, unified in Christ and coming together in common bond built upon the rock solid common ground of His Word. Those who are in Christ have all things in common with Christ. The Greek word for common is “koinos” from which we get the Greek word for fellowship.
Our worship celebration begins at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Children’s Church for young children is held during part of the worship time. Nursery is available. Come early for snacks and a hot or cold beverage. This is a great time to get better acquainted with our church family and discover your “common ground.” Sunday services at Common Ground are relaxed and informal. Our focus in on presenting the Word of God and providing an atmosphere for learning and heartfelt worship. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) each Sunday. We meet together for prayer (check the calendar for dates and times). Other activities are ongoing, such as meetings of men’s, women’s and youth groups.
How We Are Organized
Common Ground Church is organized under the cell/celebration church model. The cell groups provide opportunities for study and spiritual development as well as a means to win people to Christ, to care for the believers, and to train new leaders. Celebration includes regular Sunday services, the sacraments, and Renewal Prayer.
Common Ground Church is organized under the Christian and Missionary Alliance and is governed by a Board of Elders. The Elders are responsible to the congregation for the stewardship of all that goes on at the church and the Pastor reports to the Board of Elders. The Pastor and Elders meet on a monthly basis and formally report to the congregation on a yearly basis, usually in January.
Christian & Missionary Alliance churches are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the lost throughout the world. The Alliance was formed through the vision of A.B. Simpson. Since 1897, the Alliance has been a “spiritual association of believers who hungered to know the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ, working concertedly for the speedy evangelization of the world.”