Again this year Common Ground will provide Thanksgiving Baskets to some families in our community who could use the extra help. You can participate in the following ways:
- Bring food items from the list below or talk to Maria if you would like to provide another item
- Contribute cash toward the purchase of turkeys, milk, etc.
- Contact local businesses (talk to Maria)
- Help with packing and distributing baskets
We are asking for donations of the following items. Please sign up on the sheets on the table by the kitchen to let us know which items you will be donating. You may take a shopping list from the table to help you remember which items you signed up to bring. Food donations should be brought to the Thanksgiving Baskets table at Common Ground no later than Sunday morning, November 23.
- Sweet potatoes (canned)
- Potatoes (see sign-up sheet for special info)
- Green beans or other vegetable (canned)
- Turkey gravy (dry mix or canned)
- Stuffing mix
- Marshmallows
- Cranberries or canned cranberry sauce
We will keep you up to date on our needs. Watch the grocery store ads for the best bargains on these items! Please talk to Maria if you have questions.
In the past many families have been served by this Thanksgiving offering from the family of Common Ground. We’d like to repeat this by helping a dozen families this year. We ask that you prayerfully consider contributing as you are led.